Wednesday, January 18, 2012


What if you could learn how to make streams of income from Designing Just Simple but, Professional looking Websites for Parastatals, Organizations, Individuals, Churches, Mosques, e.t.c?

Dear Friend,

How well you respond to this letter will determine if you will be at least N200 thousand richer in a month from now.

I have a confession to make. This is the most important letter ever written and it will do you so much good to read to the end! Today marks the end of sorrows, worries and pressures in your life. Say Amen… Guaranteed!

I want you to know this very fact today that, the major difference between the rich and the poor, our successes and our failures, the mighty men and the lowly men is due to one singular word known as ‘KNOWLEDGE’. Knowledge is like holding the right key, because not every key would open the door however how you try, but the right key would always open it. Knowledge delivers and sets free as established in the Bible and probably also in the Quran: My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge.

Are you sick and tired of all the noise about making money both online and offline?
I am about to show you something that will literally change your life financially. I am not promising that you will make N1million in one month, No I don’t say those things.

Make between N15,000 TO N70,000 Designing Websites for individuals, Schools, Businesses, Mosques, Churches, Organizations, e.t.c even on a part time or Full time basis. Guaranteed!

Let me use this opportunity to reveal this powerful, yet simple secret. The only solution out of lack of money is for you to know what works all the time to command the flow of money into your bank account legitimately, without defrauding anyone. Anything short of this will make you and your family vulnerable.
What you need is a sound knowledge of what will make you Financial Independent everytime!

And now is the time to act. This is the time to start doing something about it.

Join my one-on-one real practical training now and I will hold you by the hand and show you how to Design simple professional looking Websites: ,, even simple blogs like e.t.c).

Imagine you, Designning (5-10) Websites for your Clients within a week at Just N15,000 per Site. This gives you a minimal amount of N75,000 REVENUE PER WEEK! On the other hand, Just Imagine you are now designing for N40,000 or more per Website and you are also able to do Just 10 per Week. That’s a total sum of N400,000. This is not exaggeration my friend. It is very possible to earn this even on a part time basis. Is that convincing enough? You have so much to gain this year by embracing this wonderful opportunity.

TIME: 9:00AM TO 2:00PM

To participate, text your name, phone nos and address to Tel: +2348036425536 (SMS ONLY)

Contact Details:       Oluwatomiwa Afolabi
                                     #8 Onakoya street, Off Oladogba Road, 
                                     Lagos State, Nigeria